We have device SDK and Cloud API to help you to integrate with our hardware. For Web APP integrate we suggest use Cloud API to integrate with our device.
thanks Felix,
Our customer doesn’t want send data informataions out of their office.
Are there any list of transacction on web server on Anviz device?
I have seen that Anviz are using GoAhead WebServer.
It’s very important for us that we could use these web interface transacctions
Hi Jose:
Sorry there is another way to communication with our device. Use the device SDK to communicaiton and mangement the terminal. The SDK is base on the C# Language.
Hi sir Felix. Please can you help us with our issue on record and employees data not showing any data on the database? We already connect the device to our cloud server using that SDK PHP interface kit GitHub - AnvizJacobs/AnvizCloudKit: Anviz device cloud PHP interface kit. But it seems that we don’t know how to save data on the device after scanning the fingerprint from the device and also how we can insert on the database like an employee and enroll a finger sign.