C2 PRO FW request

hi Sarah

Boa tarde, Possuo o C2 Pro e gostaria de atualizar o firmware do equipamento, será possível disponibilizá-lo?
Quero atualizar o firmware, sobretudo porque o acesso via browser não funciona. Dados do equipamento:
Firmware atual: 01.00.85
Kernel: 01.00.09
Versão sistema: 02.00.03
Nº de série: 0630120116530134

can you send firmware please

Hello, Geral

We have checked the firmware library, and we can’t find any proper firmware for you to upgrade, as this device (SN: 0630220116480169) was too old. It’s a device released nearly 8 years ago. We’re sorry for that.

For a better user experience, we recommend trying our other on-sale devices.


Hello, ameirao.nucleodata

Your situation is the same as Mr. Geral. The device you have is too old to upgrade to any newer firmware. This device (SN: 0630120116530134) was released nearly 8 years ago.

For a better user experience, we recommend trying our other on-sale devices.


ok, thank you for your response

Hello, Sarah.

I want update firmware 02.12.73
Serial number: 1470200018270015

Could you send my the lastest satble firmware version?
