Issue sending facial templates to devices using SDK 2.52

Hi all, I need help using the SDK version 2.52.

I’m trying to send a facial template using this piece of code (adapted from the SDK to suit my necessities):

public int SendPhoto(DevClock connectedClock, AnvizPhoto photo, AnvizUser user)
  int ret = 0;
  if ((connectedClock.DevTypeFlag & (int)AnvizLib.MODE_FP_Type.DEV_TYPE_FLAG_FACEPASS_PICTURE) != 0)
    if (photo.DataLength > 0)

      Data.EmployeeId = new byte[5];
      Conversions.string_to_byte(user.UserID, Data.EmployeeId, 5);
      Data.operation = 11;

      byte[] photoArray = new byte[photo.DataLength];
      Array.Copy(photo.BinaryData, 0, photoArray, 0, photo.DataLength);

      ret = AnvizLib.CChex_UploadFacePictureModule(anviz_handle, connectedClock.DevIdx, ref Data, photo.BinaryData, photo.DataLength);
  return ret;

This code works fine, but when I get the CChex_Update message type in return it gives me an error (Result -1).

  result = (AnvizLib.CCHEX_UPLOAD_FACE_PICTURE_MODULE)Marshal.PtrToStructure(pBuff, typeof(AnvizLib.CCHEX_UPLOAD_FACE_PICTURE_MODULE));
  DevClock clock = GetConnectedClock(dev_idx[0]);

  if (result.Result == 0)
    SWLogger.DebugFmt("Photo succesfully uploaded. Result {0} [User {1} - Device {2} ({3})]",
                      result.Result, Conversions.Employee_array_to_srring(result.EmployeeId),
                      clock.Clock.Name, clock.Clock.Ip);
    SWLogger.DebugFmt("Photo failed to upload. Result {0} [User {1} - Device {2} ({3})]",
                      result.Result, Conversions.Employee_array_to_srring(result.EmployeeId),
                      clock.Clock.Name, clock.Clock.Ip);

The picture was downloaded using the CChex_DownloadFacePictureModule SDK method, getting the result from the CChex_Update with a message type of CCHEX_RET_DOWNLOAD_FACE_PICTURE_MODULE_TYPE and saved into a SQL Server instance using a VarBinary field to store the data from the picture.

Am I doing something wrong?
I appreciate any help you can provide.
Thanks in advance.

Sorry to bother you @Felix_Anviz.
I’m tagging you here as you already helped me before.

Sorry to bother @shannon.xiang.
I’m tagging you here as you are the Support contact provided to Softworks.

Hi @mrodrigues

I´m sending a message to @Felix_Anviz again, he is the right person to help on integration questions…

Sorry for the delay

Thank’s @Leonardo_Anviz, really appreciate it.