Problem connecting Facedeep 5

Good morning, i am developing and application using the C# SDK for my facedeep 5 and i’m having problem during connection.
every time i try to connect the device i still receive error "the device actively refused the connection ".

note: i’m trying to connect using the demo of the Anviz SDK

the configuration of the device is the following:
network type: wifi
comm mode: client
port: 5010
CommPWD: active
Server type: IP address
Server IP: empty

Can you please help me understand where the error is, whether it’s a configuration error or something else?
thanks so much for the help

Dear Sbraggion

Please check whether the device and your PC are under the same network section. And you can try pinging the IP address of the device. It the ping test goes successfully, please then change the comm mode to Server.

If the attempt above still fails, please submit your question to our official help-desk (


Hi, thanks for the informations. now i am able to connect to device and send to it commands. i have only one problem left.
Now I have created two users: Stefano and TEST. I made an entrance with account Stefano and when I send the command to download records , it give me five results.

what I expected was to receive only 1 record, given that there was only 1 stamp present.
i’m using the CChex_DownloadAllRecords function, the problem is that it downloads me markings that have never been made.

I have made a test entrance today at 8:30 , but when I try download records with the DownloadAllRecords function, it gives me result in 3 entrances:

  • Today at 8:45 (wrong time)
  • Today at 12:00 (never done)
  • Today at 12:01 (never done)
    what can cause the problem?

many thanks

Hello, Sbraggion

It seems that you have a problem related to the device integration.
Please check the records in the web server, the punching time, and see if the time is the same.

Please send your issue to, and our technical team will help you out.
