Anviz VF30 Pro Teclado bloqueado / Keyboard locked

Hola, Hi,

tengo un aparato Anviz VF30 Pro y por error he bloqueado el teclado del aparato, el aparato no esta conectado a ninguna computra, como puedo desbloquear el teclado para al menos entrar con usuario admin?
I have device Anviz VF30 Pro and I blocked by mistake the keyboard of the device, the device isn’t connected to any computer, how can unlock device just to enter my admin credentials?

Gracias, Thanks


It seems you have accidentally enabled keypad lock. You can press “<-1-2-3-4-5->” to unlock the keypad. After that, remember to disable the lock.

Thanks @Sarah_Anviz, I was able to unlock it, just to clarify for other users may have this issue in the future is < admin PIN >, if the admin PIN is the default PIN, yes, it is 12345, if user has changed default PIN, user should use their admin PIN.

Thanks, regards

Yes, thanks for the clarification.
Yes, if you change the default PIN, you need to use your own PIN.