What are the options accessing Crosschex Application via web browser?? Does Crosschex V5 support web access??
Hi @bobdizon
Currently we do not have CrossChex Web. However, our devices have an internal web server you can access inputting their local IP address, or you can use our cloud application, the CrossChex Cloud.
Any question please let us know.
I understand there s an enterprise Crosschex application, how do we qualify with this?? Is this accessible via web??
You also mentioned that the devices are web accessible, what can I really do if I am able to access the device??
Lastly, is there a Crosschex Client App client available so we restrict specific job assignment to the Crosschex user/s??
Hi @bobdizon
We had a CrossChex Professional application, but it´s discontinued for a few years already, we do not support it anymore.
From the devices web browser, you can acces all the device settings, like adding users, seeing records, configure network connection, export records, set basic attendance shifts, and so on.
For the last question “is there a Crosschex Client App client available so we restrict specific job assignment to the Crosschex user/s??”
Can you give me some more details? I guess I did not understand exactly what are you looking for…