The CrossChex Standard is a complete time attendance & access control management software. Now with the new upgrade version.
New GUI design and Dashboard Increased: Managers will be able to see Device status, User info, and Attendance summary directly. The remoter control the door open will be more convenient.
Improve device management efficiency and increase device group management. The card display is adapted to display the basic information of the equipment more clearly.
However, I have 2 devices (C2PRONEW and W1 PRO); whilet W1 PRO works perfect, C2Pro shows its firmware version, serial number, ip and MAC but no users, fingerprints or registers. they are all @ 0.
You can download the users with their templates on ‘Device’ tab: select the device(s) and click on ‘Backup’ button. All users and their templates will be downloaded to the database.
For uploading there’re 2 ways:
on ‘User’ tab select the users who’s template you whish to upload and click on ‘Upload’ button. In the popup window select the devices for upload and click on ‘OK’.
on ‘User’ tab select the users who’s template you whish to upload and click on ‘Authorize’ button if they’re new users. In the popup window select the devices for upload and click on ‘OK’.
In both cases the user templates will be uploaded to the device(s).
This new version of CrossChex software is available for download since 12/26/2022.
So, it’s a “release” version already and that’s why I think it’s time to move it to the “Products” category from the “Ealy Access”.
Or better to create there a new main topic 'cause this new software has a couple of new features which will generate probably specific questions compared to the older version (V4).
What do you think?
¿Hay algún problema de compatibilidad entre esta nueva versión y los T5 Pro? No puede conectar mientras que la versión 4.3.18 sí lo hace.
Por otro lado, algunos textos aparecen en chino en la instalación que hice. No veo en las capturas de este hilo que pase lo mismo ¿Saben a qué puede deberse?
Los T5 Pro estan conectados via USB? Caso si, no van a funcionar pues a partir de la version 5 solo será permitida conexión mediante TCP/IP (cable de red o WiFi)
Sobre los textos en Chino
Intenta reinstalar con la ultima version a ver si el problema persiste…