Error - "2023-04-19" is not a valid date

So, whenever i assign a newly created user a “Time Table” i get an error Prompt 2023-04-19 is not a valid date

Has anyone encountered this error, and if yes, is there a way to resolve this error for all future encounters like this?

Hello @ViKtor

usually when this happens it´s something wrong in the software database.

On 90% of cases, it solves when you close the software completely and open again.

Have you tried doing this? Does the problem persists?

Best Regards

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Yes, that has been my on-the go troubleshooting, but this keeps on re-occurring day-in and day-out.

Is there a permanent solution to this?

I would suggest create a new database, and transfer the users and records to there. Something might have corrupted in the inside database and it´s hard to identify the error…

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Can you give me a step-by-step in doing so.

Will the fingerprints of the users migrate as well?

Do i have to create Departments, Timetables and Shifts from scratch as well?

Do i need to enrol Employees afresh?

Please inform me your location (country and city), we can coordinate with a near technician to assist you.


I am currently in Africa, Tanzania, and i have checked, no official ANVIZ Partners.

I am good with CrossChex Standard, but not good, and also a fast learner, i pointers remotely can help me a lot.

Check if there is a “wrong” record in Data / Away On Business Leave or Settings / Leave Type.

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@efilip good suggestion!

@ViKtor I´mcopying my coleague @dhiraj.hakke , he is in India and I believe he will share the mos approximate time zone to you.

@dhiraj.hakke can you give us some help here?


@ViKtor Did you check by changing date/time format of the system you are using? This usually happens when the date/time format of system and report components are not matching. Please check and suggest. You can get in touch with on my Skype dhiraj1111.


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