Face Pass 7 upgrade

Hi @Johnny_Anviz
i got a complaint from one of our clients he has Facepass7 for over a year now the when we check we find out the device stop accepting new user and taking reports since 20/12/2022

we tried to restart it many times with no result, finally after initialize the devise it back to normal

what causes this issue? devise a screenshot below
facepass7 error

Hi @Leonardo_Anviz

Please lookup to my issue …


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Hello @Ali.Alhajj

I´ll ask my colleague @Johnny_Anviz to verify it for you.

Dear @Ali.Alhajj

Sorry for replying late ,normally this issue is caused by full memory of flash, it’s maybe filled up by operation log .all logs get deleted after initialization ,so it’s back to normal.
Making exchange of mainboard has high possibility to fix this issue forever.


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we have 2 FacePass 7 in our company, from 2019 we always have problems for facial recognition only for some people,
I’m looking for a more recent firmware, to avoid replacing everything…
I’m not finding any way to access this info
Is it possible to get help?
these are the installed firmware
Screenshot 2024-01-22 184607

Dear Gervasi

Thanks for contacting with us.
Sorry that It’s not suggested to upgrade firmware for facepass7 of such old version , if it’s strongly needed please send a mail to support@anviz.com, our support engineer will help you with the evaluation of updating.