Making own XML or CSV Rapport

Is it possible to run or view an Excel or XML where we at ones can see in the file who has clocked in and on witch device and at what time, because we now have 13 locations in the air and cannot find an overview of who clocked in where anywhere? and where clocking out, of course on personnel number, you can see it but with 300 people this is not something you do every day with placer . please add an option so that you can create your own report.
Simple wise:
Name Employee, Department, Device, Time in and time out. on same page in exel ore CSV
Simple role for everyone.
Thanks a lot AC. Imanuel ACI.


Dear @aci-beveiliging , good day!

I suggest you to rename the department where the device is connected according to its region. With that, it´s going to be possible to check where the employee has clocked in on every record.

Here is a screenshot where you can see it:

On the right side is also possible to export it.

I also attach a few other reports you can refer extract from the software, a simulation done during some our existing webinars about CrossChex Cloud:

Let me know if some of this information attends you.

Best Regards

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Hi Leonardo.
look at the page there you see exactly what i mean, the employees clock in and out on different clocks around the country but because they are in the general department you can’t see where they clock in and out. and yes with 300 people working together in different places it would be easy to see where they clock in and out in a store, this possibility is not included!
please consult with the programmer to mention the clock on the page.
Thank you so much MVG Alan ACI.

Hi @Felix_Anviz

Do you think it´s possible to add a column at this page to refer to the device itself?

Following the previous message, projects like the @aci-beveiliging may not be convenient to split devices into different departments.

In those cases, maybe adding new column to refer where the records were taken could be a good improvement…

Many thanks, let us hear your thoughts please.

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Hi @Leonardo_Anviz @aci-beveiliging

Sorry about to add the device in the report page. Becasue the report is the result of the time attendance. Can not add the devce list in the time attendance record. But you can find the detail from the current records. As showed by Leonardo.

Hi Felix
Is it poseble to add an spesial recwest
In a form of xlm tap
Becouce it is not working in this way for the cosumar
Thay have more than 300 peple and all acros the neterlands and clock at diver end locations. So thy neet to know witch peple clockt in and out in one Puch on the buttons nou thay must look at efrewans clocking by pursen it selfs
And that wasn’t on the website at the first bay nouw we have 15 clocks and software that is not working properly and we as the installer are blamed to sell the costumer
The wrong product
Pleas help us to Salf this problem
Alan aci

Hi @aci-beveiliging and @acibev ,

I´ve done some tests and discussed with R&D about this topic

Currently it´s very hard to add the device information in a column exactly in the t&a report page because each line there is not a record, it is a combination between 2 or more records to inform to the attendance system the total worked hours for each employee per period.

If the records were separated by lines, it would be possible. It´s different from the record page, here we show one record per line, then it´s possible to identify the device:

However, if you click on the specific day attendance, you will be able to see the specfic records to compose that attendance period… Here is an example from my account:

After clicking on the selected area:

On this way it´s possible to check exactly which devices were used to compose that specific attendance information.

Hi Leonardo thanks for the feedback, but I’m afraid we misunderstand each other, the intention is that administrators can look at a page where their people are located and not just the name of a person, as in your example .
The point is that a report says , Clock X and 10 or more names that clocked on clock x!
On a page or several pages, not by name of the person, but more names at once per clock. I hope this will come in an update, now they don’t have much use for the system because it takes so much extra work for the administration that it is almost impossible for the administration to do. because there are more than 300 people clocking at different locations throughout the Netherlands, perhaps it is an option that your ICT takes a look at the Braspenning site to experience the problem themselves, their ID: 310000489 and then they immediately see the problem

Have a nice day and hope for a good ending
gr Alan ACI.

Hi, it is possible to edit the device name and assigned department. Why not implement a report for hours worked by department?
If an employee works the same day in 2 different departments, it will appear in the report in 2 rows (one for each department)


it is already possible to do that.

When you export the report, you can select to export by department:

The system will split different excel files per department once you proceed this way.

It is not practical for the purposes of calculating salaries. We work with the current records report, we need to see all the daily records in a single report. A row for hours worked by date and by department. Unfortunately, the reports do not allow editing work templates, so that each user can obtain only the data they need, some of them are in one report and others are separated in other reports.

You can also select departments on the records report

However in this way, you need to make the hour calculation on the excel file.

Esos departamentos son los asignados en el legajo del empleado, no los departamentos en lso que realmente trabajĂł. Para saber los departamentos/areas en los que realmente trabajĂł se deben tomar las horas de entrada y salida con un reloj asignado a cada departamento/area (lo que el sistema permite parametrizar al vincular el dispositivo a un area, pero no aparecen en los reportes)

Creo que he entendido

Es decir, el usuario aparece en los registros normalmente, pero sus reportes solo se ven en el departamento raĂ­z al cual esta asignado:

Aun que tenga permiso a otros departamentos (como en esta imagen):

Al momento de los reportes, solo aparecería en el primer…

Me confirmas?

Entendiendo bien lo que necesitas, repasaré a ingeniería para evaluación.


Exacto. El departamento Raiz o principal es el que figura en el informe. Si tiene habilitado marcar en otros departamentos, luego en los reportes del dĂ­a solo muestra el departamento Raiz.

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