Hi there,
Welcome to our first tutorial about the Anviz CrossChex Cloud! If you want to control your employee´s time attendance from anyplace, anytime, flexible and easy, you´re in the right place!
The main objective of this very first tutorial is to help you how to choose your server option, create a new CrossChex Cloud account and configure the pre settings page.
CrossChex Cloud was built for businesses that need an easy-to-use, affordable and reliable time and attendance system. Here are its main advantages:
Nothing to install on your desktop, which can support any device web access from any location (PC, Mobile phone, Tablet, etc.);
Access data anywhere, anytime, from any smart device with browser application;
Track employees from any location to see where employees clocked in and out;
Powerful Cloud system that works with all Anviz Smart Time and Attendance Devices;
100% data encrypted, stored by AWS servers, compliant data regulation Standards like GDPR.
Several server options, choose the CrossChex Cloud nearest to you!
Currently Anviz provides 04 server options you can choose according to your region:
North America Server: https://us.crosschexcloud.com/
European Server: https://eu.crosschexcloud.com/
Asia Pacific Server: https://ap.crosschexcloud.com/
Chinese Server: https://cn.crosschexcloud.com/
Please choose your server carefully, it will be important to keep it in mind after your account creation, at the device enrollment step (please follow the next steps and CrossChex Cloud guides for it).
1st step is to access the server you choose. For this tutorial, we will use the North America Server option, but if you´re choosing a different server, no worries, the proceeds are all the same on all options.
At this picture I separated some relevant information before we proceed:
It´s the Language button, you can choose between English, Spanish, Chinese, and other languages.
Sign In field – considering you already have an account; it will be used for the administrators log in (on the next guides we will also teach how the employee will be able to log in at his own account).
Sign Up for a new account – that´s the one we´re using for this tutorial, click in it to continue.
You can always consult the Terms of Service and Privacy Policy to make sure we´re protecting all your company and employee´s information.
Please fill the E-mail and Password fields, make sure you´re tying the password confirmation correctly.
Please read our Terms of Service and Privacy Policy and fill the “Agree to Anviz Global Terms of Service and Privacy Policy.” box to continue.
The “Register to receive periodic newsletter and updates on products, software and services” is optional, feel free to choose it or not.
Click Register to proceed. If everything is OK, the following pop-up message will appear:
After the account creation, the software will automatically forward you to the Sign In page.
Use the same e-mail and address you created. As next step, CrossChex Cloud will forward you to the pre settings page:
Please make sure to fill them correctly, especially the Time Zone field, it will be used as reference to synchronize your Anviz devices with the correct date and time.
Click Confirm to complete the pre settings page.
You can always modify the information set on this step at the Settings tab.
If you followed the instructions correctly until now, congratulations! Now you´re OK to start exploring your brand new CrossChex Cloud account
Stay tuned to the next steps, we will teach you everything you need to know to take all the advantages our CrossChex Cloud Software can offer with Anviz hardware.
Enjoy your CrossChex Cloud!