CrossChex Cloud #0 - Summary

Hi there,

Welcome to our CrossChex Cloud Community!

The main objective of this summary is to help you finding the information you´re looking for on the several tutorials we´re producing in order to make your experience with CrossChex Cloud easy and complete at the same time :smiley:

Already created content:

CrossChex Cloud #1 - Creating a New Account

CrossChex Cloud #2 - Recovering Password

CrossChex Cloud #3 - Department Management

CrossChex Cloud #4 -Add a New Device

CrossChex Cloud #5 - Add a New Employee

CrossChex Cloud #6 – How to Log In as an Employee

CrossChex Cloud #7 – How to Add Manual Records

CrossChex Cloud #8 – How to Add Supervisors

CrossChex Cloud #9 – How to Add Fixed Working Shifts (Break Function)

CrossChex Cloud #10 – How to Schedule and Assign Working Shifts

CrossChex Cloud #11 – How to Set Flexible Attendance

CrossChex Cloud #12 – CrossChex Cloud APP – Introduction & Download

CrossChex Cloud #13 – CrossChex Cloud APP – Log In as Employee

This summary will be updated constantly, as we create new topics, so feel free to participate at the comments area with tutorial and improvements suggestions, we will read them carefully and consider each one of them for our next upgrades.

Thank you for being a Anviz CrossChex Cloud customer! :smiley:

What kind of server i can use in Tanzania,AFRICA i have 3 pcs of Anviz W1 pro

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Hi @eliruta

I would recommend the Asia Pacific Server -

Best Regards

Hi i used the above cloud server address but still failed to connect

I got this kind of status but when I go to device list no device found

Hi @eliruta apparently all tests are OK.

Please refresh your browser, probably the device will be already there.

How much is to use one w1 pro machine for 6 employees

Hi @dynawashhr

We don´t charge for CrossChex Cloud services. The unique investment is the hardware.

Please send an email to informing your region, my sales colleagues will forward you to a local partner for quotation.

Best Regards