Card cant open with crosschex 5.0.3


Thanks for your attention


Windows 11
Crosschex 5.0.1
4 reader M5A N
rfid card for open Doors


when I scroll users list crosschex goes on error

when loading privileges for card/user obtain a load error but card is functionaly and loading bar dont go to 100%

Crosschex 5.0.3. !!UPDATED!!
4 reader M5A N
rfid card for open Doors

when I scroll users list crosschex error Is tesolved

when loading privileges for card/user loading bar go to 100% without errors and software confirm a correct operation but: the card dont open (Is loaded, I have a confirm with increment of badge counter on device list)

With a RealTime analisis the badge is readed correctly with correct user but dont open

For try a solution: where can download a 5.0.1 or 5.0.2 version for testing the issues?

The old card functionality is regular but I cant update privileges because after update the card goes ko
