how to set up multiple breaks

how to set multiple breaks
Anviz EP30

Question 1: how to set multiple breaks, break time from 09:00-15:00 h

Break 1 (10 minutes)
Break 2 (10 minutes)
3rd break (30 min)

Question 2: If multiple breaks cannot be set, can a worker log in 8 times
1 arrival
2 departure breaks 1
3 is back from break 1
4 departure breaks 2
5 is back from break 2
6 breaks for departures 3
7 is back from break 3
8 Departure - end of shift

Thank you.

Hello, friend

We’re sorry to inform you that we don’t support setting multiple breaks.

May I ask what platform you are using, CrossChex Standard or CrossChex Cloud?

Please note that each punch will be recorded.

Anviz Support

CrossChex Cloud , Thanks


We’re sorry to inform you that we don’t support setting multiple breaks on the Cloud.

May I ask if you are using a fixed schedule or a flexible schedule on the Cloud?

If it’s a fixed schedule, the cloud will only calculate the working time between the first and the last punches.

If it’s a flexible schedule, the cloud will calculate the working time between each two punches and then calculate the whole working time.

You can check the schedule mode in the “General” of “Settings” on the Cloud.
