CrossChex Cloud #9 – How to Add Fixed Working Shifts (Break Function)

Hi there,

Welcome to our nineth tutorial about the Anviz CrossChex Cloud!

The main objective of this tutorial is to understand how to create and modify working shifts for your employees, considering they will work with fixed On Duty and Off Duty times.

Working with fixed shifts will give you some extra features on the attendance reports, for example, late time (Clocking in after regular On Duty time), early time (Clocking out before regular Off Duty time), break time (e.g., lunch), and others.

If your employees doesn´t have fixed working time and you just need the total working hours between the first (On Duty) and last (Off Duty) records, you can skip this tutorial.

Important: Working in the flexible way will not calculate early, late or break times during the duty period, for more details please check the (Flexible Attendance Tutorial)

Before proceed with this topic, you´ll need:

  • To have created a CrossChex Cloud account as an admin;
  • Enroll at least one employee at your account.

We´ve created some guides to help you with those previous steps, feel free to have a look in there and come back later if you´re not ready yet:

CrossChex Cloud #1 - Creating a New Account

CrossChex Cloud #5 - Add a New Employee

Please stay tuned at the next tutorials, we will teach you all the relevant features of Anviz CrossChex Cloud, so you and your team can enjoy the best experience of our Cloud based Time Attendance Solution. Let´s start!

At the main tab, click Attendance, then Shift. At the right corner, click Add:

A new window will pop up, let´s create an example then check it field by field:


At our example, let´s create a fixed working shift from 9 AM to 6 PM, with one hour break for lunch.

Shift Name: For human reference, I´ll name it as Regular for our example.

Notes: Internal comments for human reference as well, for example, “factory operators shift”.

Duty On Time: When the working shift starts. 09:00 AM at our example.

Duty Off Time: When the working shift finishes. 06:00 PM (or 18:00) at our example.

Color: You can choose a color as reference for this shift, very useful if you have two or more shifts, to differentiate them once they are scheduled on the employee´s chronogram (See CrossChex Cloud #10 – How to Schedule and Assign Working Shifts for more details). Let´s choose Blue color to our example.

Time of late punch in allowed (minutes) : It´s the allowance time for clock in delay. For example, let´s assume the late punch allowance is 5 minutes, if an employee scheduled with this shift clocks in at 09:05 AM, the attendance system will not discount his 5 minutes as delay.

Time of punch out early allowed (minutes): It´s the allowance time for early leaves. For example, let´s assume the early punch allowance is 5 minutes, if an employee scheduled with this shift clocks out at 05:55 PM, the attendance system will not discount his 5 minutes as early leave.

Without punch out mark as: At this field we configure if not clocking out will be considered as an Exception in the reports, or if it´s going to be an automatic Leave Early or Absent. If you choose Leave Early or Absent, a new field will appear, so you can configure how many minutes you want the system to discount automatically from the employees assigned with this shift, in case the forget to clock out. For our example, let´s choose Exception.

Remember we also have another feature in case employees forget or are not able to clock in or out, please check the How to Add Manual Records tutorial.

Early punch in as OT (minutes): Enables the Overtime settings for early clock in. For example, let´s assume 60 minutes at this field. If the employee clocks in at 08:00 AM, the system will count 1 hour as overtime in his reports for that specific day. If the employee clocks in after 08:00 AM, then no overtime will be considered, just the regular time for his shift. If you don’t want to enable early overtime for this shift, please keep this field empty or 0 (zero).

Late punch out as OT (minutes): Enables the Overtime settings for late clock out. For example, let´s assume 60 minutes at this field. If the employee clocks out at 07:00 PM, the system will count 1 hour as overtime in his reports for that specific day. If the employee clocks out before 07:00 PM, then no overtime will be considered, just the regular time for his shift. If you don’t want to enable late overtime for this shift, please keep this field empty or 0 (zero).


Continuing, at the next fields you´ll have the option to enable breaks for this shift, which means, employees will be able to record themselves for an unpaid period, a lunch break for example. To activate break option, please click at the Break Button, moving it to the right side with blue background.

If you´re not using break, please keep Break button disabled (left side, gray background).

Important : If break is disabled, the attendance system will only consider two records per day for each employee, the clock in and the clock out, calculating the time between them for the report, eventual records during the day won´t be considered by the system.

For our example, let´s assume we will have one hour lunch break between 12:00 PM and 03: 00 PM. Let´s configure next steps:

Threshold (hours): It´s the minimum amount of hours employee needs to work in a day for the break time to be considered. Following our example, if we set 5 hours here, and the employee worked from 09:00 AM to 1:59 PM with break records, the break won´t be considered in this case. You can also disable this threshold by selecting Disable box.

Let´s follow by disabling this option at our example.

Start Time: It´s the first valid time for a break record. Let´s choose 12:00 PM for our example, which means, records before 12:00 PM will not be considered as a valid record for our break’s management.

End Time: It´s the last valid time for a break record. Let´s choose 3:00 PM (or 15:00) for our example, which means, records after 3:00 PM will not be considered as a valid record for our break’s management.

Important: If the break records are out of range, CrossChex Cloud will use the maximum time as the employee break (3 hours in our example, from 12:00 PM to 03:00 PM). With that, the HR will know the employee did not follow the break time rules.

Remember we also have another feature in case employees forget or are not able to clock their break records correctly, please check the How to Add Manual Records tutorial.

Break Duration (hours): It´s the break total duration for this shift, following our example, we´ll insert 1 hour at this field. You can choose more time if you want, just remember to respect the Start Time and End Time values as maximum difference.

Now that we completed configuring our shift, here is a screenshot for follow up:

Clicking Confirm, a new line will be added at our Shift page:

Feel free to add as many shifts as you want :smiley:

As you may have observed, there is a column named Status on the previous picture, with an Inactive value for our shift. It means that this shift is not being used for any employee.

Once you schedule this shift for one or more employees, the status for this shift will be changed to Active, so please take care whenever modifying or deleting an existing shift.


This is an important configuration that might be used in your account in future, in case you already have scheduled this shift to your employees, but need to make some modification on it. When clicking Edit at an existing shift, a new field will appear at the shift window:

This field is useful in case you need the system to recalculate the employee´s reports according to your new modification.

For example, let´s assume you need to eliminate the allowances of delayed clock in and early clock out. If you don´t need to modify the previous days reports, you can keep the Recalculate box empty. However, if you need to get a new report from the previous days, including those delays and early leaves, please mark the Recalculate box and select the Period you want the system to recalculate the reports.

After the modifications are done, click Confirm to finish proceed.

Now you´ve learned how to create and manage shifts, congratulations! :smiley:

Keep following our tutorials, on the next one we´ll teach how to assign shifts to employees, setting them a working schedule / chronogram.

(See CrossChex Cloud #10 – How to Schedule and Assign Working Shifts for more details)

You can watch the Training Recording of this new feature here! CrossChex Cloud New Feature - Break Time Shift - YouTube

Enjoy your CrossChex Cloud! :smiley:


Thanks Leo for this new tutorial!
Unfortunately I didn’t find the break settings. When I click on Add I see the following window:

I checked the EU and US servers but the result is the same.
Where’s the problem?

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Hi @Tibor greetings!

This new function will be available next week, after the server upgrade.

I anticipate the tutorial… So if you don´t see it after next monday please contact here again.


Hi Leonardo!
Thanks for the info!
May I ask if my other problem (see topic: shift covers 2 days) will be solved also on Monday?
'Cause it’s also connected to the shifts setup, I think.

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Hi @Tibor

The overnight shifts (starting on day and finishing in the other) is not in the plan for this weekend upgrade, unfortunately. But it´s in the improvement list, we will let you know once it´s ready :smiley:

Hi Leonaro,

It’s Monday and the Break rules appeared on Cloud, thank you!
Only a notice: it looks firstly that the minimum break time is 1 hour.
At our customers it’s mostly 30 minutes (lunchtime).
I entered 0,5 into the break duration field and the value was accepted!
Please, confirm that it’ll be calculated well by the system.
Anyway, is it possible to modify the unit of break duration time to minutes?


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Hi Tibor!

I´m planning to apply a training for the new break function this week, Ill do several tests with some different examples, would be nice if you could participate, here is the link:

Hi there!

Here is a link for the training about fixed working shifts. Feel free to watch it if you want more details about this interesting feature we´ve released recently :smiley:

Good evening.

This is Sherifdeen from Nigeria.

Please, I need help on how to set MORNING and NIGHT SHIFT (7:00pm - 7:00am) on CROSSCHEXCLOUD

MORNING: 7am to 7:30
NIGHT: 7pm to 7am of next day.

We are using FaceDEEP3 and we want the staff to clock IN & OUT at the same time without interference.

I need your quick response asap.


Hi @sherifdeen,

I had the same requirement earlier but sorry to say that CrossChex Cloud doesn’t handle actually the shift which covers 2 days.
You can check this topic for further info: CrossChex Cloud - Shift covers 2 days.

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Hope is supported by Standard?

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Yes, this function is supported by CrossChex Standard software.
You’ll find it in Settings-> Attendance tab.

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I’m having issues creating assigning a second shift. I have a Day and a Swing shift created. Only DAY is active and populating as an option when adding a new team member. I want to select SWING as an option, but it does not show as an option when creating a new team member, and shows as INACTIVE.

Hi @beringerproduction

Please refresh your browser, the SWING shift will show up there

Best Regards