How to use API to get the records from the CrossChex Cloud?

Inorder to get the employee’s records from the CrossChex Cloud. Anviz not only provide the webhooks function to push the time attendance data to your server, (CrossChex Cloud Webhooks) now we provide the API to get the records from the CrossChex Cloud Server.

The CrossChex Cloud API URL:

Get Token Request:

Name Value Type Necessary Description
header[nameSpace] authorize.token Text Yes Fixed Value
header[nameAction] token Text Yes Fixed Value
header[version] 1.0 Text Yes Fixed Value
header[requestId] f1becc28-ad01-b5b2-7cef-392eb1526f39 Text Yes Request ID (Unique)
header[timestamp] 2022-10-21T07:39:07+00:00 Text Yes Timestamp
payload[api_key] Follow with CrossChex Cloud Account Text Yes Api Key
payload[api_secret] Follow with CrossChex Cloud Account Text Yes Api Secret

Respond Parameter Instruction:(200) Success

Name Value Type Description
code 200 Number Success.
data Object Repond Data
data.payload Object
data.payload.token eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9.eyJjb21wYW55X2NvZGUiOiIxMTAwMDA4MzEiLCJob29rc19vbiI6MCwidXJsIjoiIiwic2VjcmV0IjoiIiwiY3JlYXRlX3RpbWUiOiIyMDIyLTEwLTE4IDA3OjQwOjE4IiwidXBkYXRlX3RpbWUiOiIiLCJhcGlfa2V5IjoiYTQ4ZjRkNGFiNWM2ZDAwMjk2NDMxZTRhZGRmZWMzNzUiLCJhcGlfc2VjcmV0IjoiNmViMmE0N2EyMmU2MDYyN2QzZjE0OGI0NDEzOGVlZGEiLCJleHAiOjE2NjY1OTcxNDd9.4jelxAUXaxjcxisIxAUkw3Bp9ljhQBFLw9O_6BgH6kw String Authentication Token
data.payload.expires 2022-10-24T07:39:07+00:00 String Expiration Time
data.header Object
data.header.nameSpace authorize.token String
data.header.nameAction token String
data.header.version 1.0 String
data.header.requestId Object
data.header.timestamp Object
description Object
error {} Object Respond Error

POST Get Record

Name Value Type Necessary Description
header[nameSpace] attendance.record Text Yes Fixed Value
header[nameAction] getrecord Text Yes Fixed Value
header[version] 1.0 Text Yes Fixed Value
header[requestId] f1becc28-ad01-b5b3-7cef-392eb1526f39 Text Yes Request ID (Unique)
header[timestamp] 2022-10-23T07:39:07+00:00 Text Yes Timestamp
authorize[type] token Text Yes Fixed Value
authorize[token] eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9.eyJjb21wYW55X2NvZGUiOiIxMTAwMDA4MzEiLCJob29rc19vbiI6MCwidXJsIjoiIiwic2VjcmV0IjoiIiwiY3JlYXRlX3RpbWUiOiIyMDIyLTEwLTE4IDA3OjQwOjE4IiwidXBkYXRlX3RpbWUiOiIiLCJhcGlfa2V5IjoiYTQ4ZjRkNGFiNWM2ZDAwMjk2NDMxZTRhZGRmZWMzNzUiLCJhcGlfc2VjcmV0IjoiNmViMmE0N2EyMmU2MDYyN2QzZjE0OGI0NDEzOGVlZGEiLCJleHAiOjE2NjY1OTcxNDd9.4jelxAUXaxjcxisIxAUkw3Bp9ljhQBFLw9O_6BgH6kw Text Yes get token respond value
payload[begin_time] 2022-06-01T12:46:43+00:00 Text Yes Get Record Start time
payload[end_time] 2022-10-24T12:46:43+00:00 Text Yes Get Record End time
payload[workno] 1 Text No Employee ID
payload[order] asc Text No Sequence,Default is asc,from from small to large
payload[page] 1 Text Yes Paging data from 1st page
payload[per_page] 1 Text Yes Max with 1000 records each page

Respond Parameter Instruction :(200)Success

Name Value Type Description
code 200 Number Success
data Object Repond Data
data.payload Object
data.payload.count 148 Number Total of reocrds
data.payload.list Object
data.payload.list.checktype 128 Number
data.payload.list.checktime 2022-07-20T20:15:05+00:00 String
data.payload.list.device Object
data.payload.list.device.serial_number 1750120622290025 String FaceDeep3-IRT10 String
data.payload.list.employee Object
data.payload.list.employee.first_name 1 String
data.payload.list.employee.last_name 1 String
data.payload.list.employee.workno 1 String 1 Number Page Number
data.payload.perPage 1 Number Count of Records with each page
data.payload.pageCount 148 Number Total of Pages
data.header Object
data.header.nameSpace attendance.record String
data.header.nameAction getrecord String
data.header.version 1.0 String
data.header.requestId f1becc28-ad01-b5b3-7cef-392eb1526f39 String
data.header.timestamp 2022-10-23T07:39:07+00:00 String
description Object
error {} Object Respond Error

Please leave message here to active your CrossChex Cloud API.


I would like to enable API Access and Webhooks. EU Server. Email:
Thank you

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Hi @Felix_Anviz please enable the developer mode for the account above, thank you!

Hi, how can we use CrossChex Cloud API to get employee records?.
We do not have any “api_key” or “api_secret”.
Can we see any example of usage?
Thanks in advance.

we would like to have access to the developer mode (APIS and Webhooks) for our cloud (, company ID: 210000369)

Please provide us your Company ID in your crosschex cloud. Thanks

Please check your cloud account again. We already fixed it.

Thanks for the reply.
So, we should be able to see the “Developer Mode” option in the “Settings” section?
I don’t see any changes to the CrossChex Cloud platform.
Note: we access through

Hello, can you help me with this matter, please?

@cnrc-manager :slight_smile:
Please provide us the cloud company ID account. We will active for you.

How can I send you this information privately?

@cnrc-manager You can click on his name to access his community profile and send an internal message from there.

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Excuse me Leonardo, I clicked on the name “Felix Anviz” and I go to that direction:

(attached image is what I see)

But in this place I don’t see any option to send an internal message to Felix.
Can you give me a hint on the steps to follow?
Thanks in advance.

I just sent you a private message, you can reply me from there

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Hi, what’s the exact purpose of the requestId field?
In the docs it is written that it is required, however even If I do not specify the field the response still works perfectly.
Is it just a utility for the custom application or it has a specific purpose?
The same goes for the timestamp field



Hola, por esta via solicito que activen el modo desarrollador en nuestro panel Crosschex cloud. La cuenta es de la empresa con Código de Usuario 110004533

I would like to request that developer mode be enabled for my account. Company ID: 110004533

Hello Leonardo. I have not heard from you for days, and the developer mode is not activated yet. I privately sent you the information you requested, do you need something else?.
Greetings and thank you.

Hello @cnrc-manager according to my internal team, the developer mode should be enabled for you

I will check once more, sorry for the delay.

Ok, now we do have developer mode enabled. Thanks for the attention.

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