How to use API to get the records from the CrossChex Cloud?

Hola @Yu_Anviz nos puede colaborar con este?


Tengo el mismo problema. Incluso añadiendo les headers: requestId y timestamp que no sé si los has puesto me devuelve el mismo error.

Parece como si faltase un parámetro pero no sé cual.

ok, ya lo he visto. He malinterpretado la documentación pensando que los headers se ponía en el header de la petición.
Todo va en el body en el mismo formato que la respuesta:

“api_key”: “”,
“api_secret”: “”
“header”: {
“version”: “1.0”,
“nameSpace”: “authorize.token”,
“nameAction”: “token”,
“requestId”: “”,
“timestamp”: “”

Nuestros ingenieros de software ya lo revisaron. Parece que hay problema con el paso de parámetros. Puede consultar el siguiente documento para solicitar el Token.

yes. but we cannot use that. we would like to fetch the date using javascript. thank you

sir I have tried to test the api if it’s working. Please refer to the screenshot. I have used the insomia app to make a GET request using the provided endpoint and our api key and api secret but as you can see no token or some data was return. I hope I can hear your reply as soon as possible. Thank you very much

Hi! how can we use CrossChex Cloud API to get employee records?.
We have “api_key” or “api_secret”.
Can we see any example of usage? Can we see the full video tutorial how to achieve that. We are using javascript and laravel.

Thanks in advance.

Hi @ohayo04.jd

I´ve shared your issues with our engineer Mr @Felix_Anviz , he will contact you very soon with a feedback.

Thanks for your patience

Hi! I have not yet received a feedback from sir @Felix_Anviz . Thank you

Hola, será posible que puedan levantar videos tutoriales para poder habilitar la api en google sheet ? o bien pantallados de los pasos para establecer la consultas.


Hi @ohayo04.jd

Please check the api document. CrossChex Cloud

Hi! I am having problem fetching the records. It says Error: Couldn’t resolve host name. our company id is 110006774. Thank you very much and hoping for your reply and assistant.

I would like to request that developer mode be enabled for my account. Company ID: 110010706

Hi @soporte4 it´s not necessary anymore to enable developer mode from our side.

You can do it at your own side at Settings page!

Hello Felix,

I was wondering if there was any way to POST data using the Cloud API? Getting records is nice but there is often a need to edit/delete a shift or other such information.

Please advise if this capability exists, and if not, whether there are plans to add it in future (sending updates to the server via API is essential for day to day operations, POST belongs to any API of this nature).

Thank you,

Cuando intento borrar registros de mis empleados me aparece el mismo error “20000ms timeout exceeded”.

Dear friend,

It should be fine now. We have worked to improve the cloud server and i believe we have fixed the issue. You can try again.

Hello is there a way to upload employees to device via API?.
Also is there a way to ask to enroll card or face via API?

I need to do the same AnvizCloudKit allowed us to do.

Thank you.

Hello, Cllamas,

It seems that you’re looking for the integration tool of Anviz. You can check the link below for the API document and integration tool.

This is our latest version of SDK. You can have a test on the anviz_demo.exe and see what functions the integration can offer.

If you have more questions about the SDK, please send them to



This SDK isn’t suitable for us, because we need direct connection from our servers to the device and we cannot open ports on our client’s network or develop a software and run inside their network.

The old CloudKit allowed us to do everything from our servers, but now we cannot use it because you removed it.

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