Witch version of Crosschex to manager TC550, TC580 and C2 Pro?

We have serveral Anviz models: TC550, TC580 and C2 Pro.
We installed crosschex 4.3.5 to manage TC550. We tried 5.0.0 but dind’t work as expected.

To manage the TC580 and C2Pro we have to install another instance of crosschex 5.0.0 or can we install them with 4.3.5?

Than you

Hello, friend

For the devices you mentioned, please check the CrossChex Standard (V4.3.18.0) below, which is the most reliable and stable version.

Please back up the database before you install the version above.


We already install version 4.3.18 but still we can’t connect to TC580 and C2 Pro models. Only connect with TC 550.