Summary for Anviz Product's Firmware

Support share with me dropbox link with new firmware, but I can’t open it
I need new M7 Firmware



Can you share the current firmware version of your M7,we will help to find a suitable version


Our M7 version is “v6.62”

I remember we update it 2 years ago.

EDIT: our customer reported a problem related to the fingerprint sensor.
The sensor on the glass where you have to place your finger does not activate immediately but delays for a few seconds before activating


Hi, I have found at one of my client’s houses 2 devices - P7 and VF30-ID. From this forum i found out that they both use the same firmware (as I read). What worries me is that to avoid any issues after firmware upgrade. Firmware of VF30-ID is V1.AE and P7 is V6.03 - they both look really old. Now I have some issues with the device (random) and reading the topic from [uavheli] made me search for archived firmware for P7 and VF30-ID - where could I download them ? (VJ6.59, V06.56, V06.55, VJ6.12, VD6.12, V06.03) as for VF30-ID it seems that it only had 4 firmware iterations (V05.43, V05.40, V05.39, V05.38).
I would like to have them at my dispossal when upgrading as I really would not like to leave the client with a notworking device but fix issues that he has.

Thanks in advance !

Dear @wojciech.pospula

VF30 V1.AE is the 1st Anviz generation, this device cannot be upgraeded otherwise it will be permanently damaged.

For P7 V6.03, I suggest the 6.21 version
Devices from firmware generration 5 and 6 can be upgraded to this version:

Let me know if you have anyother question :smiley:

Can you send me the lastest firmware for the C2 Pro?

Current firmware: 02.12.38
Serial number: 1470200017390041

Thanks in advance.

Hi , i’m trying to implement a w1c pro.
Via web server is working, but it is not visible in crosschex standard.
Maybe it need to be upgrade!
This are my device data:
Serial Number: 0690200023200128
Firmware Ver: 03.52.BR
Kernel Ver.: g67aef6f_W02
File System Ver.: 01.52.06
Could you please share me a link with the last good firmware?
thanks in advance

i’m updating a very old VF30 unit, that had 5.16 FW in it with the 6.62 version that’s available here but there’s a bug in that version because after upgrading it only reads a finger ONCE then shuts off the FP reader and there’s no way to turn it back on again without power cycling.
I did a flash erase in the menu(closest to factory reset i’ve found) AND a reflash, but the issue is the same.

In one other post in this thread one of the anviz tech support posted FW 6.21, flashed that one and now the FP reader is back to working correctly (reads once, flashes, keeps staying on).

¿what’s going on?, is there a repository i can try all the subsequent versions to see which newer one still works ok?

I’ve also found that there are some blank lines in the configuration menu at the end after the upgrade, that you can change to “yes” but has no text, either in spanish or english menu

Hi @Johnny_Anviz can you please help?


Hi. I need the last firmware for this model. Thanks.

FacePass7 Pro

Serial Number

Firmware Ver

Kernel Ver.

File System Ver.

@Yu_Anviz can you help here please?


Hello Anviz
I have Anviz FaceDeep3 IRT and I want uprade firmware. Now I have V 03.74.AS
Have You any upper ?
please send me web side for this

@Technical_Anviz can you please check the latest comments here? thanks!

Hello! I have a W1 Pro serial number - 0680200023400123, firmware 03.26.BR_dark, kernel version - g67aef6f_W02. I need a new version firmware

Hi @tarasovsergey89 ,

Please kindly check the private message.

Hello there.
We have an issue with the firmware of the EP30 devices;

One of our devices is using 03.58.B0_dark firmware, and it works as expected.
On the other hand, the device with firmware 03.58.BZ_dark is not working, (some functions are obviously bugged).
We asked in a ticket if there’s an update for this last one, and the answer was No (thats okey), and also a response like “try to use a different authentication method, but theres no posible bug”. (And that is not acceptable. As customers, we demand the product we payed for to work as expected, or atleast the company to acknoweledge their fault. )

We are now demanding via Tickets to be provided with the firmware that Seems to be working, (03.58.B0_dark)

Any though over this? Will we be able to receive the expected firmware?

EDIT: We have accquired the firmware 03.58.B8_dark, and it seems to work even better than the 03.58.B0_dark (this last one didn’t had the Authentication Methods “bugs”, but still wa having connectivity and Synchronization between the Software and device itself, ).

This firmware was downloaded from the “unnofficial” Anviz Spanish forums; so we are now asking if this downloads are “legit”…

Checksums for this firmware are:

Dear Customer

Sorry for the inconvenience ,the sequence of firmware version is 03.58.B0-03.58.B8-03.58.BZ . So as the ticket mentioned, version 03.58.BZ is the latest one we released ,and since there is risk to downgrade firmware (system file may be damaged) that’s why our agent not suggest you to downgrade .

The downgrade operation is "not suggested " but not “illegal” I believe we had misunderstanding ,please don’t worry about that.

Greetings, @Tibor

Happy New Year.

I need your assistance once again.

I need VF30 Pro Firmware Updates/Upgrades for my VF 30 Pro Devices.

Can this happen?