W1 pro + crosschex cloud problem

Hi, I just bought a W1pro and I would use it with crosschex-cloud.

We use a weekly flexible shift (Total hours 40 and minimum working hours 1min).

I can’t understand how the machine works and if I’m in error with the settings.

I punch FIRST TIME and I’im “IN” for the T&A report in cloud. It’s OK
I punch SECOND TIME and I’im “OUT” for the T&A report in cloud. It’s OK
I punch THIRD TIME and T&A report in cloud change my OUT time.

In the exported report too I can’t see the correct sequencies and I have to imagine it for the count of worked hour.

I tried changing IN or OUT on the W1 device before punching but it don’t work.
I tried changing on FIXED SCHEDULE SHIFT with break on cloud platform (not correct for us because in our FLEXIBLE SHIFT I can make 2 or more break in a day) but the THIRD, the FOURTH, etc… punch change everytime the OUT time.

Can someone help me to understand my error?

Thank you.