Hi there,
Welcome to our seventh tutorial about the Anviz CrossChex Cloud!
The main objective of this tutorial is to understand which kind of manual records our employees can use and how they work.
Before proceed with the Manual Records topic, you´ll need:
- To have created a CrossChex Cloud account as an admin;
- Enroll at least one employee at your account;
- Create a log in page for your employee.
We´ve created some guides to help you with those previous steps, feel free to have a look in there and come back later if you´re not ready yet:
CrossChex Cloud #1 - Creating a New Account
CrossChex Cloud #5 - Add a New Employee
CrossChex Cloud #6 – How to Log In as an Employee
Please stay tuned at the next tutorials, we will teach you all the relevant features of Anviz CrossChex Cloud, so you and your team can enjoy the best experience of our Cloud based Time Attendance Solution. Let´s start!
First, it´s important to understand how the mechanism of adding manual records works.
The CrossChex Cloud owner, system administrator(s) and assigned supervisors are not able to create or add manual records by themselves. For safety reasons, each employee has a My Request page, where he/she will be able to apply for manual records, and after that, his/her assigned supervisor(s) or system administrator(s) will be able to validate or reject each request individually at Attendance > Request page. Let´s explore it with an example!
Let´s assume our employee Mr. Johnny forgot to clock in at April 18th morning, he uses to clock in at 09:00 AM, so he will apply for a manual record and send the request to his supervisor / system administrator evaluate and approve (or reject) it.
First thing is to log in at his employee account (feel free to consult CrossChex Cloud #6 – How to Log In as an Employee for more details at this step):
Once Johnny is logged in at his employee page, he will go straight to My Request page:
We can see the request types by clicking Add at the right side:
Request Manual Record – That´s the one we´re using, at the employee´s view, we will choose this type in case we forgot to clock In or to clock Out, or in case for example of a business visit, if we´re working outside the office and there´s no way to clock In at the Anviz device.
Leave Request – At the employee´s view, Leave Request is to be used in case we´re not working for a specific reason, for example, vacation, medical license, maternity/paternity leave, and others. Once the leave request is applied and approved, the attendance reports will not consider the approved period as a working discount/absent, it short words, it is a justified leave, accepted and approved by the manager/supervisor.
Overtime Request – At the employee´s view, Overtime Request is to be used whenever a urgent / non programmed overtime is necessary, the employee can apply for the overtime request by choosing the specific date and time the overtime he/she worked, also add additional notes to it. If approved by the manager/system administrator, it will be reflected as overtime hours at the Attendance reports.
Coming back to the example, Johnny will apply for his clock In at April 18th morning by clicking Request Manual Record, filling its box:
After confirming, a new request will appear at Johnny´s page, with the Pending Status. It will be kept as pending until his manager evaluate and accept or reject it. Here we have a screenshot of Johnny´s request page now:
Now it´s up to his boss to accept it
Let´s log in as administrator , at the dashboard, click Attendance , then Request :
There it is ! We can see now Johnny´s shift request. By clicking Decline , the manual record will not be added, and the report will not consider Johnny´s clock In for that day.
If we click Approve , a manual record will be added for Johnny, and the clock In will be normally considered for that day. Let´s pretend the boss is in a good mood today, and click Approve , a confirmation pop up will appear, let´s proceed with OK.
Now that the manual record is approved, the pending box will change to Approved , and we will also be able to see a ne record at Record > Timesheets :
Note that the Device column is empty, which means, that specific record was not captured by an Anviz hardware, in other words, it´s a Manual Record . Remember you can always consult the requests (pending, declined and approved) using the filters at Attendance > Request page.
To conclude, let´s come back and see now the Employee side after his boss approval:
You can use this same logic for the other two types ( Leave Request and Overtime Request ).
Congratulations! You´ve learned how the manual records system works
Enjoy your CrossChex Cloud!