CrossChex Cloud #10 – How to Schedule and Assign Working Shifts

Hi there,

Welcome to our tenth tutorial about the Anviz CrossChex Cloud!

The main objective of this tutorial is to understand how to create, edit and assign working schedule for your employees, considering they will work with fixed shift, with standard On Duty and Off Duty time.

Working with fixed shifts will give you some extra features on the attendance reports, for example, late time (Clocking in after regular On Duty time), early time (Clocking out before regular Off Duty time), break time (e.g., lunch), and others.

If your employees doesn´t have fixed working time and you just need the total working hours between the first (On Duty) and last (Off Duty) records, you can skip this tutorial.

Important: Working in the flexible way will not calculate early, late or break times during the duty period, for more details please check the (Flexible Attendance Tutorial)

Before proceed with this topic, you´ll need:

  • To have created a CrossChex Cloud account as an admin;

  • Enroll at least one employee at your account;

  • Create a fixed shift.

We´ve created some guides to help you with those previous steps, feel free to have a look in there and come back later if you´re not ready yet:

CrossChex Cloud #1 - Creating a New Account

CrossChex Cloud #5 - Add a New Employee

CrossChex Cloud #9 – How to Add Fixed Working Shifts

Please stay tuned at the next tutorials, we will teach you all the relevant features of Anviz CrossChex Cloud, so you and your team can enjoy the best experience of our Cloud based Time Attendance Solution. Let´s start!

Considering you have already created your fixed shift, let´s click Attendance, then Shift.

As you may have observed, there is a column named Status on the previous picture, with an Inactive value for our shift. It means that this shift is not being used for any employee.

Once you schedule this shift for one or more employees, the status for this shift will be changed to Active, so please take care whenever modifying or deleting an existing shift.

On the left bar, let´s move to Schedule now:

A (Filter) - This is where we will assign the existing shifts according to employee´s working calendar. You can filter employees according to their Department, or according with their Employee ID or name, then click Search to apply the chosen filter.

B (Weekly arrows) - This is where we can see the currently weekly chronogram for our employees. After shifts are assigned, they will be represented with the shift´s color at the weekly table. Feel free to click at < Prev Week or Next Week > to move the current week page, or select the central weekly counting to go straight to a specific time you wish.

C (Employee´s list) – At this column you´ll see the all the employee´s list, or the results according to your filter.

At our example, let´s choose employee #2 - Johnny and configure him the Regular shift created at this tutorial, let´s configure the whole month of September in this example.

For that, let´s select Johnny (A) click at any window/frame on the selected employee line (B):

Date: Chose the start and end date to assign the employee shift. In our example, from September 1st to September 30th.

Shift: Chose the appropriate shift for the employee. In our example, it will be the Regular shift (click here to read more about shift management).

Exclude Holiday : If you have configured holidays at Settings > Holiday, the schedule will skip those days, which means, will not add the working shift on them.

Exclude below days: If you intend to exclude weekends from this assignment, or any other specific week day, click the respective day and keep them selected, the assignment will skip those days.

As default mode, Saturday (Sat) and Sunday (Sun) are excluded, which means, the shift will not be assigned in any Saturday or Sunday between the Start date and End date.

Here is how our example is stablished for now, after all is reviewed, click Confirm to proceed:

From now on, we´ll see a blue diamond indication on this employee working days, here is a screenshot example:

Extra tip: It´s possible to assign the same shift for two employees or more at the same time, you just need to select them before configuring the schedule:

You can also schedule working shifts directly at to your employees´page Organization > Employee, when creating or modifying an existing one, here is an example:

To conclude, now if you´re back at Attendance > Shift, the status of Regular Shift in our example will be modified to Active, so please take care whenever modifying or deleting an existing shift:

Congratulations! You´ve learned how to assign fixed shifts with schedule method. :smiley:

Keep following our tutorials, on the next tutorials we´ll teach how to set flexible working method to employees, as well as check the different attendance reports we have.

See you there! Enjoy your CrossChex Cloud! :smiley: