CrossChex Cloud #13 – CrossChex Cloud APP – Log In as Employee

Hi there,

Welcome to our thirteenth tutorial about the Anviz CrossChex Cloud!

The main objective of this tutorial is to teach how employees can use their smartphone or tablet to manage their CrossChex Cloud Account.

Before proceed with this topic, you´ll need:

  • To have created a CrossChex Cloud account as an admin;
  • Enroll at least one employee at your account;
  • Log In as Employee on the browser page;
  • Download CrossChex Cloud APP;

We´ve created some guides to help you with those previous steps, feel free to have a look in there and come back later if you´re not ready yet:

CrossChex Cloud #1 - Creating a New Account

CrossChex Cloud #5 - Add a New Employee

CrossChex Cloud #6 – How to Log In as an Employee

CrossChex Cloud #12 – CrossChex Cloud APP – Introduction & Download

Remembering CrossChex Cloud APP is an auxiliar software for the employees specifically, which means, the following proceed must be done in every employee´s smartphone you intend to give CrossChex Cloud APP permission.

After the Employee download and install the APP, here is the first page:

When clicking Join my team, you will be forwarded for a QR Code scan page.

Since our QR Code function is still on development, I´ll teach the alternative way to proceed. Click Use ID to join:

In the next page, we need insert the Company ID information, as well as the Employee ID and Password we have created previously in tutorials CrossChex Cloud #5 - Add a New Employee and CrossChex Cloud #6 – How to Log In as an Employee :

Here I filled with my example (when you insert the Company ID code, it automatically brings the account name to make sure you´re connecting with the right place):

Click Sign In to confirm and voilá! Employee is now connected with his phone into his own CrossChex Cloud account! :smiley:

After the employee fill all his information, he/she will be ready to use CrosChex Cloud APP and enjoy several advantages, such as:

  • See their own schedule and records;
  • Apply for attendance (vacation, business trip, medical license, fix forgotten attendance, etc);
  • Clock In or Clock Out remotely (including GPS Location if approved);
  • And much more!

Ps: Make sure creating a strong password with uppercase and lowercase letters, as well as numbers and special symbols. In case the employee forget the password, the administrator can reset it anytime by the admin platform under Employee page. :smiley:

CrossChex Cloud APP Main Page after logged in as an employee:

Congratulations! You´ve learned how to log in as an Employee in the CrossChex Cloud APP!

Keep following our tutorials, on the next tutorials we´ll teach how to use CrossChex Cloud APP main features!

See you there! Enjoy your CrossChex Cloud! :smiley:

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